Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mass Production...

For this Christmas season, I made several holders, trying out new designs, and refining the old ones, and trying out new colours... It certainly felt like I'm having a little factory going on. Making a few each, for each animals. My room was littered with cardboard pieces, dust, paints, etc... Haha...

Finally finished with the turtles. Tried to have different designs. Hopefully they will appeal to different group of people. Green colour seems to be still the prefered colour. The green turtles were all sold within a couple of days after they were put up for sales. The red turtle, which I put up last, is the only one left behind.

Another new design is sheep. Both were also snapped up within a day. Was a little concerned that painting the sheep blue might not be accepted. But still, it was sold.

Also get around fine-tuning the Cat design. Added the whiskers, which were kinda tricky to glue to the face. Anyway, think they now look more like cats... Strangely, they weren't as popular as the rest...

And of course, not forgeting to make more of the previous designs of Cow, Giraffe and Bears...
The Christmas sales was surprisingly good. Most of the stocks were cleared. Leaving behind only about 4-5 of them... It was indeed a Merry Merry Christmas...

Cardboard Cards...

Also tried making some other designs for the cardboard cards, other than those for Christmas. Perhaps the next batch has to be more function-specific. I thought it's up to people to decide how they would want to use the cards. Unfortunately, many seems to prefer the function be decided or designed into the product itself...

Cardboard Cards...

Tried to make some Christmas cards using the cardboards. But I guess, as it is made of cardboard, the idea of it being a card seems to be not widely accepted. Most who saw the cards don't seems to know what they can do with it. Added a little ribbon to the card so that it can be used to decorate a Christmas tree or something. However, response was still luke-warm, though many seems to find the cards cute.